Send order information in real-time from eBay to Amazon for faster fulfillment time.
Helping sellers take data driven decisions by identifying Top-Selling Products of their business.
Manage orders from different locations efficiently by setting custom rules using rule-based order routing.
Offer Customers with faster delivery of orders using our eBay Amazon Integration application. Get track of all your orders, inventory, shipping and tracking at a single place.
Get an in-depth view of your business operations at a single glance with actionable insights like Inventory Levels, Sales Data and knowledge of Top Selling Products.
Connect your eBay store with Amazon FBA without any technical guidance using our application pre-built configurations in just a few clicks.
Set up custom data flows for your orders using our application rule-based order routing feature and fulfill orders with ease. Also, hold orders for a specified time period allowing flexibility to the customers to add more items to their orders or edit fields like shipping address.
A seller can create a eBay store and list the products to sell online there to customers. As soon as the online orders are received these can be synced to Amazon FBA via MapMyChannel by WebBee app.
This is an integration between eBay account and Amazon FBA marketplaces via our app MapMyChannel by WebBee. This helps to sync eBay orders to Amazon FBA for fulfillment, inventory sync, tracking sync etc.
Yes, MapMyChannel by WebBee app can integrate eBay to Amazon FBA to sync eBay orders for FBA fulfillment.
Here you can contact WebBee support team at to add and connect eBay account with Amazon MCF
You can see the same in MapMyChannel by WebBee app under orders section.The orders can be seen if fulfilled or not or in progress.
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